Monday, May 26, 2008


begins now. I have been challenged by my friend, Tiffany, over at to start blogging more. I had a blog here for a while but I wasn't good about updating it. Hopefully, I'll do better this time. Maybe. We'll see.

Life gets kind of hectic around here and I seem to get sidetracked a lot. You know what I mean, starting something with every intention of finishing it only to find myself doing something else and wondering what the heck happened. I hate that. But I seem to have perfected it to an art form. Take cleaning the house for instance. I will start picking up in the family room with the idea that I'll get all the stuff picked up and put away and then I'll begin the dusting and vacuuming. But it never fails, I'll leave the room to put something away and end up starting a load of laundry, washing up stray dishes, organizing a dresser drawer and by the time I realize it, I've spent 4 hours doing something in every room of the house BUT the family room. It drives me crazy! So lately I've been trying to stay on task when I start something. Like this blog. I am hoping to stay on task and write about this crazy, hectic, frustrating but blessing-filled life of mine. Wish me luck and check back often!


Me said...

Bravo! Girly! Your blog Rocks!
BEAUTIFUL! Well written! Great tunes! Yes you do have style! Great Style!

senora_x said...

Laura, your blog looks great! Your cleaning sounds like me! Best of luck at staying on task. I always have big plans for summer and in the end am disappointed at what little I've accomplished. So this year I've made a list and plan on being productive!

Celena said...

Yep, the cleaning things sounds so familiar!

🌈🌈🌈 said...

Good Luck girl!