Thursday, June 5, 2008


This has always been one of my favorite songs to sing along loudly with. It's just a fun song. The lyrics are good for sure, but the music is fun and catchy and always gets me in a good mood. This is not an original Nicole C. Mullen song, but I think her version is the best. Of course, pretty much any song she sings gets my blood pumping. She's an amazing artist. Enjoy! [this has a short intro, wait a minute for the actual song to start - couldn't find a better video. also, you may need to click the pause button (>ll) on my MINiPod to stop that music from playing if it's actually working today]

And here's another one of my favorite summer songs. I have been belting this one out for as long as I can remember. It's an oldie for sure, but it energizes me to sing it (and it brings back some fond memories of the summer before college and my freshman year of college). The video is priceless. Be sure to notice the "Happy Rainbow." Wow, stage sets and effects have come a long way, Baby! Not to mention the hairstyles which, oddly enough, look an awful lot like what the high school girls are wearing today. Oh, and pay close attention to the guy who is announcing the band. Those eyebrows - oooowweeeee! Tweezers? Wax? Lawnmower? Anyone?? Anyway, enjoy the video!


Helena said...

I haven't heard this before and I like it!!!!!

Carmen O. said...

OMG I love BTO!!!! Thanks I wish I would've added it to my playlist. I may just have to go back and add it.

Marsha said...

Blast from the past!! The old video of BTO is priceless.

I like Nicole's version of that song too.

Sarah said...

TCB always reminds me of Bourbon Street in New Orleans for some reason...maybe b/c every karaoke bar was belting it out.

🌈🌈🌈 said...

Good stuff!