Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Our second challenge is to add a photo of something refreshing:

I am a water drinker. Have been as long as I can remember. I much prefer water over soda, juice, iced tea, etc. Every once in a while I like a killer margarita or a nice glass of sangria, but I definitely prefer water. And much to my husband's annoyance, I am not a "sink water" drinker. City water (aka chlorine from a spout) is nasty, well water tastes mostly like dirt and well, who knows what's in there? And soft water, which is what flows from our tap, literally makes me gag. So yes, even though we are on a well at our house and do not pay the city for water, I spend our hard-earned money on something I could get for free from our faucet. And to make matters even worse, I am extremely picky about my water. It can't have any taste whatsoever. That cracks Keith up. He's of the opinion that there is no purpose in drinking something that doesn't taste like anything. Which I guess is why it doesn't bother him one bit to drink city water or well water or soft water. I have tried all kinds of water and my favorite above all others happens to be Fiji brand artesian water. Coming in a close second if I can't get Fiji or don't feel like paying for it is (and I'm sure you'll get a chuckle out of this) good ol' Kroger brand Spring Water. It has absolutely no taste at all if it's icy cold. If it's kinda of warm it tastes a bit like the plastic jug it comes in. Ew.

To me, there is nothing that can quench a thirst or is as refreshing as water. Soda and juice and tea always have an after-taste which leaves me thirsty and needing more to drink. I think it's because of the sugar in it, but I'm no expert so don't quote me on that. Tea can be an acceptable alternative because I don't drink sweet tea, but I don't like the caffeine in it so unless I can get unsweetened, decaffeinated tea, I won't bother. That's hard to do unless you make it at home. Or unless you're my mother-in-law who is very thoughtful and always makes me my own jug of tea for family gatherings. She also keeps bottled spring water on hand for me too.

What do I order at restaurants you ask? It's funny because I order ice water with lemon. That is the only acceptable flavoring for me to add to water that generally comes from a tap and tastes like, well, chlorine or dirt typically.

Something else that gets Keith's goat is that our kids won't drink sink water either - except for Garrett who would basically do anything his father does just because his father does it. But even Garrett prefers bottled water if Keith isn't around. Funny boy. And believe it or not, we go through a minimum of 6 gallons of water each week around here. I love the refreshing taste of H2O!


ValAnn said...

You are the first ever water critic I've known.. It's like you've mastered wine tasting, but it's water. I actually quit buying soda with the New Year. My DH and kiddos all drink bottled water, but we all use the fitness/vitamin flavoring packs.. I would drink tap water (with lemon) my DH won't touch it!

Celena said...

You got that right! There's nothing more refreshing than a bottle of water. And I definitely agree, figi is awesome.

Me said...

That's it girl! H20. Great Blog. I love to read your blog! You write extremely well. Very enjoyable.

Margy said...

LMAO! I wish I preferred water to anything else! I am a little bit of a water snob. I will drink spring water, but only if it's from the spring by my childhood home. I won't drink sink water, and the only bottle water I like is Food Lion brand LOL! Mostly though I like pepsi, you can tell from my "hot" bod. ;)

Marsha said...

Love bottle water too! However, I will lower myself to the tap water in a pinch. My dh hides his bottled water, he gets the kind with vitamins added. He of course has to drink it warm.

Amy said...

Love bottled water - if I could just leave the soda alone!!

LynetteL said...

I agree, Fiji is the best. Expensive, so I don't get it often, but it's my fav.

So funny... I'm the same way. I call myself a water snob. I don't even like to use our ice cubes because it's not filtered!! I'm lucky living in the Chicago area, our water is basically taste free, and I use a Brita water pitcher to be sure. :-)

Angela V. said...

Sometimes water is the only thing that will do...great blogging, love that you were able to say so much about your topic!

Helena said...

Where I grew up in Ireland we had our own natural spring well, nothing added to it just straight from the well to the kitchen tap.... ooooh the taste of it is divine, I can't drink tap water either,eweee!!!! I can drink bottled water at a push, but it has to be ice cold! I drink gallons of it when I visit home!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! I love Fiji water too!!!! lol. Did you know that Hilary Duff drinks it too? lol.